What is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound known as a cannabinoid, or phytocannabinoid, found in the cannabis plant. Both Marijuana (more than 0.3% THC) and Hemp (less than 0.3% THC) contain CBD, though hemp contains much higher levels. How does CBD work? Like all phytocannabinoids, CBD works by directly and indirectly stimulating your Endocannabinoid […]

The Endocannabinoid System

The human body is complex, consisting of a variety of systems simultaneously working together and independently. In schools across the world, we are taught about the anatomical systems from a young age; skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, to name a few. Its easily understood how all of these systems work independently while simultaneously are […]

Full Spectrum CBD

CBD Isolate, Broad Spectrum, Full Spectrum, Hemp Seed Oil Extract, the world of CBD can be confusing with so many terms. We like to inspire confidence in those who come to us for their CBD needs. Here we will explain what Full Spectrum is, what the benefits are, and whether or not a full spectrum […]

CBD Isolate

Cannabidiol, or CBD. The word is out. Chances are you or someone you know has tried it or heard of it. But what is it? How does it work? Will it work for me? What are the side effects? We get these questions every day at our store. Well, we are going to do our […]