The health benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) are known widely, which is why it continues to be used for various ailments from chronic pain to insomnia, anxiety, and more. Consumers can choose from edibles to gummies and other products with CBD, but Figuring out the right dose can be tricky. Learn more about CBD dosing guidelines and how much to take to support personal goals for feeling better.
Can You Overdose in CBD?
An overdose of CBD is less likely than with other substances, including prescription medications. It would take a large CBD oil dose to ‘overdose’ and the same for gummies and edibles. High amounts of CBD are not harmless since there are always some side effects, but dosing guidelines can help determine how much to take and what to take to avoid any issues with overdosing. The World Health Organization (WHO) states CBD is safest at 1,500 milligrams (mg) doses, but it depends on the individual. Regular, consistent dosing of CBD for pain or other conditions is generally based on body and weight, whether it is a high or low dose, and the form of CBD (oil, tincture, gummy, edible, vape, etc.). Common symptoms of a CBD overdose may include
- Anxiety
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Drowsiness
- Psychosis.
Even without THC, CBD can impact a person’s mind and body differently than the next person. That is why it helps to look at a CBD dosing chart to determine what levels are best for the maximum impact and minimal side effects.
CBD Dosing Chart
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate CBD dosing or use. A treating physician will always be the first line of defense when determining whether CBD oils should be added to a treatment regimen. CBD dosage largely depends on what is being treated, the psychological aspects of a person’s condition, and other factors. While research is still being conducted on CBD dosage, the recommendation is generally to start low and slow. How many drops are in 1mL of CBD may determine how to dose for a specific condition. For instance, .05 mL is a single drop, which means a 10 mL bottle contains around 200 drops. If the 10mL bottle contains 1,000mg of each drop equals around 5 mg of CBD. If you’re unsure how many drops are in an mL, a quick and easy way to calculate dosage is to look at the single serving in each package. CBD oil will likely come with a dropper bottle, while capsules will be one capsule per serving.
Bottled CBD oil may list what is in the entire bottle, not the amount in a single drop. Use a dosage calculator which enables you to calculate specific dosages.
CBD Oil for Dogs Dose Calculator
Pet owners are increasingly turning to CBD for their pet’s health and wellness. From depression to seizures and pain management, CBD’s effects can benefit pets and the owners who love them. CBD for dogs works much the same as it does since our endocannabinoid systems (ECS) work similarly. Although dry mouth, low blood pressure, and drowsiness can be side effects, knowing how to dose a dog with CBD oil will help tremendously. The FDA has not approved CBD for dogs so be mindful of speaking to a trained veterinarian who can offer guidance on dosage calculations. Dosing guidelines should factor in the following:
- How potent the CBD oil is for pets
- Dog’s weight and size
- Nature of treatment or ailment and goals
Consult with any vet before using CBD. Don’t forget to look at all other medications that may affect the metabolism of the dog and the ability to process the CBD (kidney and liver function especially). Seek out high-quality CBD oil and look for potencies that are based on the dog’s size. The best tip is to know how many mg of CBD should be based on weight. If a dog is 25 pounds, the rule of thumb is around 0.2 mg of CBD per pound, so 5 mg of CBD would be appropriate. Calculate oil based on mg of CBD in each mL of oil. Standard formulations will depend on how much the dog needs to treat the condition and should be advised by a veterinarian who knows the owner and pet.
Give Mindful Medicinals Pet Tincture a try to soothe anxiety, stress or pet aches and pains. See what difference it makes for your pet’s health and body. Speak to a dispensary professional and vet to see if this tincture is right for your pet.