The Perks of a Soothing CBD Massage

A massage for many people is a great way to escape the hustle of life and settle in for some relaxation. Receiving this nice treat is really good for the body overall to help improve circulation, work out sore muscles and increase overall health. Some people are even turning to CBD massage due to the […]

Health Benefits of CBD Massage Therapy

In just a few short years, the CBD market has exploded, with an overwhelming range of products available. Yet many of us do not understand what CBD is, how it works, or how to choose a product. Read below to find out what CBD is and how it is beneficial in massage therapy. What Is […]

Mindful Medicinals CBD Spa Treatments

There’s no better way to utilize the healing anti-inflammatory properties of CBD than getting pampered. From CBD facials and massages, Mindful Medicinal’s CBD-infused Spa Treatment Services are sure to leave you feeling rejuvenated!  As we know, CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is an active cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. It does not contain THC or […]