How to Use CBD for Muscle Recovery

Muscle recovery and support are keys to better overall health. Whether it’s a workout or a long walk, there are many reasons to turn towards Cannabidiol (CBD) for recovery. The body’s muscles wrap around the bones for a stronger body. When muscle aches pop up, it can cause fatigue, stress, and even anxiety. Find out […]

How CBD Affects the Brain: The Neurological Effects of CBD

The brain has amazing plasticity, responding to visual and auditory stimuli, processing information at amazing speeds, and retaining information at faster and faster rates of speed. Just like the body, anything a person takes can impact the brain. CBD, or cannabidiol, is more popular than ever and is growing in use with its legalization. Consuming […]

How to Use CBD for Your Post-Workout Recovery

People who work out know that recovery can mean everything from sore muscles to stiff joints and other challenges. A good post-workout recovery supplement can aid in post-recovery inflammation, fatigue, and more. Consumers who enjoy a good workout are also turning to CBD for post-workout recovery. Cannabinoid supplements recovery in many ways that may surprise […]

7 Awesome CBD Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know

The use of CBD is skyrocketing because it offers you so many benefits. Lots of varieties and types of CBD are on the market but knowing what makes them awesome may help you decide what to look for when you want to buy some for yourself. Check out these 7 awesome CBD facts you didn’t […]

Health Benefits of CBD Massage Therapy

In just a few short years, the CBD market has exploded, with an overwhelming range of products available. Yet many of us do not understand what CBD is, how it works, or how to choose a product. Read below to find out what CBD is and how it is beneficial in massage therapy. What Is […]

Mindful Guide to CBD Tinctures

Mindful Medicinals is proud to offer a variety of CBD tinctures to help you realize the medicinal benefits of pain relief, relaxation, and wellbeing.  While hemp-based CBD is safe to use for patients of all ages and health backgrounds, some dosage adjustment will be necessary to find you the best option for your unique physical […]

What Is Delta-8 THC and How Is It Different from CBD?

If you have any interest in cannabis, it is important to understand the difference between Delta-8 and CBD. How are they alike? How do they differ? In this guide, we will explore their similarities and differences to help you better understand what will best meet your needs.  What Is Delta-8 THC? According to the National […]