Lots of people are seeking out CBD, or cannabidiol, for ailments, a natural remedy to support their immune system, or wanting medicinal support. Everything from mental to physical health sees benefits from the use of CBD. One of the lesser-known uses is to recover from hangovers with CBD. While it may seem straightforward (use CBD, no hangover), there are a few nuances to keep in mind. Check out the reasons why people turn to CBD for hangover relief and just why it seems to work on everything from nausea to headaches.
Address the Symptoms
While CBD is not a miracle cure, it certainly has its benefits. Anyone who has experienced a hangover knows while the party may have been fun the night before, the day after is not. Symptoms vary person to person, but general hangover symptoms include:
- Dry mouth
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sensitivity to sound and light
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Lethargy
Alcohol hangovers happen because acetaldehyde builds up in the body. Once alcohol decreases in the body, a hangover occurs. Recovery depends on how much a person drank and ranges anywhere from a few hours to a longer recovery period. CBD can take the edge off some of the symptoms and can be taken safely following alcohol imbibement.
Why it Works
CBD is attractive to people post-hangover because it can help prevent nausea and vomiting. People who receive chemotherapy may take CBD to lessen these common side effects of cancer treatment. When it comes to nausea, CBD can inhibit these sensations for some people to make the hangover more bearable.
Another way it works is to lessen alcohol’s dehydrating effects. Losing fluid makes people thirsty but also triggers inflammation in the body. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and may prevent or reduce swelling and body aches caused by dehydration from drinking alcohol.
Some hangover symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, and more may be attributed to low blood sugar. The body is not getting enough sugar to meet energy production requirements while drinking thus causing these hangover symptoms. The use of CBD regularly can help ease these symptoms.
Mentally, a hangover can be tough for some people. Guilt, shame, or depression can arise. CBD can ease some symptoms of anxiety or depression by helping to regulate mood. Relax and feel the euphoric effects of CBD taking away these symptoms. If nothing else, it helps the brain stop obsessing on these thoughts to create better focus and aid in recovery.
Get Better Faster
While it may not make a hangover go away, people can recover from hangovers with CBD in different ways. This includes oils, tinctures, powders, localized pain in topical CBD forms like lotions. Sometimes it takes a bit to feel the effects. Skin absorbs CBD quickly while putting CBD under the tongue can help blood vessels absorb CBD into the bloodstream. Edibles may take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes to experience the effects. Waiting for a few moments can help mitigate hours of hangover symptoms. Recovery looks different for everyone and it may take a few tries to find what works. It also helps to eat little bites of healthy food, drink lots of water, and get enough rest after a hangover.
Seek Support
Don’t go it alone. Trial and error only go so far with trying CBD for hangover symptoms. Check with a local dispensary that has experts who understand the best products for maximum effectiveness. Recovery from a hangover is not fun but if you find the best product and dosage, it can feel like a lifesaver. Relief from some symptoms is better than no relief at all. There may also be less time between the symptoms and feeling back to yourself enough to get up and get going again. Whatever reason for taking CBD, be assured many people have tried and found success using it for hangover relief and recovery. Be sure to speak with someone who can guide you in making the best choices for your optimal recovery.
Every customer who comes to Mindful Medicinal will leave feeling better and more educated about CBD. Come check out all we have to offer and stop by for a free consultation with an on-site expert who will help you find what you need.
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