Lots of people are seeking out CBD, or cannabidiol, for ailments, a natural remedy to support their immune system, or wanting medicinal support. Everything from mental to physical health sees benefits from the use of CBD. One of the lesser-known uses is to recover from hangovers with CBD. While it may seem straightforward (use CBD, […]
THCO Tinctures
THCO Derived from hemp, THC-O acetate or THCO is a synthetic compound popular in states where legal access to cannabis is not allowed. Roughly three times stronger than traditional THCO it is considered a psychedelic for borderline hallucinatory effects it produces. Consumers don’t have access to legal THC products in some states and THCO Tinctures […]
Mindful Guide to CBD Tinctures
Mindful Medicinals is proud to offer a variety of CBD tinctures to help you realize the medicinal benefits of pain relief, relaxation, and wellbeing. While hemp-based CBD is safe to use for patients of all ages and health backgrounds, some dosage adjustment will be necessary to find you the best option for your unique physical […]
Mindful Guide to CBD Tinctures
Mindful Medicinals is proud to offer a variety of CBD tinctures to help you realize the medicinal benefits of pain relief, relaxation, and wellbeing. While hemp-based CBD is safe to use for patients of all ages and health backgrounds, some dosage adjustment will be necessary to find you the best option for your unique physical […]