The CBD industry is taking off to new heights. New products are being developed that help people improve health issues from pain to anxiety, insomnia to cancer, and more. Regular CBD use is becoming part of people’s lexicon. With increased research, the benefits are being discovered more every day as products become available. Water-soluble CBD […]
Muscle Relief Using CBD Blend Roll-On Topicals
With all the varieties of CBD available, topicals are making a big splash. Lotions, creams, and other topicals are the latest trend in taking care of the skin (with a twist). While some may find relief from it, others remain skeptical of its benefits. CBD for muscle relief is one way to experience benefits even […]
What is the Cannabinoid THCO?
Many THC compounds are on the market right now. Distinguishing between them can be difficult, especially for new consumers. THCO is getting a lot of attention as a new compound that has been around for a while. With a surging market, THCO is back in the spotlight. Find out why people are talking about THCO […]
Hemp Compounds Prevent Covid-19 Virus from Entering Human Cells
Hemp compounds were under the microscope at Oregon State University (OSU). Findings of a study led by Richard van Breemen, an Oregon State Global Hemp Innovation Center researcher, looked at how hemp compounds could prevent the Covid-19 virus from entering human cells. Hemp is known as Cannabis sativa with multiple hemp extracts and compounds added […]
Recover from Hangovers with CBD
Lots of people are seeking out CBD, or cannabidiol, for ailments, a natural remedy to support their immune system, or wanting medicinal support. Everything from mental to physical health sees benefits from the use of CBD. One of the lesser-known uses is to recover from hangovers with CBD. While it may seem straightforward (use CBD, […]
Does CBD Affect Men & Women Differently?
Both men and women are attracted to the benefits of CBD. Based on physiology alone, men and women can process CBD differently in the body and every individual will have their own unique experience. What exactly the differences are and how it impacts men and women is important when deciding how to use it, how […]
7 Awesome CBD Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know
The use of CBD is skyrocketing because it offers you so many benefits. Lots of varieties and types of CBD are on the market but knowing what makes them awesome may help you decide what to look for when you want to buy some for yourself. Check out these 7 awesome CBD facts you didn’t […]
The Best CBD Products for Athletes
Athletes know they need to be on top of their game. They can’t afford to play it small when it comes to performance. Many athletes are looking at ways to stay physically fit, mentally prepared, and focused on their overall health. Performance factors in stress, pain, injury, and time out for healing. Over a lifetime, […]
What Makes Mindful Medicinal the Best Sarasota Dispensary?
Mindful Medicinal started as the first CBD store in Sarasota. From those early beginnings until now, the store has grown its product line of high quality extracts to services including spa treatments and even CBD infused meals. Community education and customer support is a priority. Check out what makes Mindful Medicinal the best Sarasota dispensary […]
How Much CBD for Dogs? A Dog Owner’s Guide to CBD
Cannabidiol (CBD) has gone to the dogs. Research is still ongoing around the impact CBD may have on our canine friends. People love their dogs like humans and want to give them the best. Though evidence is still being looked into as to the benefits of CBD oil, it can’t hurt to find out why […]