Cannabidiol or CBD products are used for all sorts of reasons. One of the uses growing in popularity is skincare due to its benefits for the skin and body. CBD may also help treat conditions like acne and breakouts or eczema. CBD oils and other products are worth considering as they can make people feel […]
Water-Soluble CBD
The CBD industry is taking off to new heights. New products are being developed that help people improve health issues from pain to anxiety, insomnia to cancer, and more. Regular CBD use is becoming part of people’s lexicon. With increased research, the benefits are being discovered more every day as products become available. Water-soluble CBD […]
Muscle Relief Using CBD Blend Roll-On Topicals
With all the varieties of CBD available, topicals are making a big splash. Lotions, creams, and other topicals are the latest trend in taking care of the skin (with a twist). While some may find relief from it, others remain skeptical of its benefits. CBD for muscle relief is one way to experience benefits even […]
What is the Cannabinoid THCO?
Many THC compounds are on the market right now. Distinguishing between them can be difficult, especially for new consumers. THCO is getting a lot of attention as a new compound that has been around for a while. With a surging market, THCO is back in the spotlight. Find out why people are talking about THCO […]
How to Use CBD for Muscle Recovery
Muscle recovery and support are keys to better overall health. Whether it’s a workout or a long walk, there are many reasons to turn towards Cannabidiol (CBD) for recovery. The body’s muscles wrap around the bones for a stronger body. When muscle aches pop up, it can cause fatigue, stress, and even anxiety. Find out […]
How CBD Affects the Brain: The Neurological Effects of CBD
The brain has amazing plasticity, responding to visual and auditory stimuli, processing information at amazing speeds, and retaining information at faster and faster rates of speed. Just like the body, anything a person takes can impact the brain. CBD, or cannabidiol, is more popular than ever and is growing in use with its legalization. Consuming […]
How to Use CBD for Your Post-Workout Recovery
People who work out know that recovery can mean everything from sore muscles to stiff joints and other challenges. A good post-workout recovery supplement can aid in post-recovery inflammation, fatigue, and more. Consumers who enjoy a good workout are also turning to CBD for post-workout recovery. Cannabinoid supplements recovery in many ways that may surprise […]
Recover from Hangovers with CBD
Lots of people are seeking out CBD, or cannabidiol, for ailments, a natural remedy to support their immune system, or wanting medicinal support. Everything from mental to physical health sees benefits from the use of CBD. One of the lesser-known uses is to recover from hangovers with CBD. While it may seem straightforward (use CBD, […]